Divi Breeze Installation

Kundeområdet > Kunnskapsbase > Divi Breeze > Installation > Divi Breeze Installation

STEP 1. WordPress Content Plugin Install

1. Clean WordPress installation is recommended + Divi theme should be active. Please verify permalinks are enabled for API endpoint to work. Settings -> Permalinks -> Post name.

2. Install Breeze Layout Kit WordPress plugin ZIP. Use side menu in WordPress admin to import demo content.

STEP 2. WHMCS Divi Sync

1. Upload contents of "upload" folder into WHMCS root installation.
2. Activate "Divi Sync" WHMCS module / Allow access to module via "Access Control"
3. Input Template IDs for header and footer. See information tab for ID details. 
4. Optional. Enable Breeze cart orderform.
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