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Hexa 5 is using tailwind CSS to manage and generate skins. Requires Node.JS installed https://nodejs.org/en/download/ Download dev zip. Download `hexa5-dev.zip` and extract `hexa5-dev` folder on local computer....

Hexa is using 3rd party gravatar service for the user image. https://gravatar.com/ . You can upload and associate image to email address using this service. Hexa will use user email address to generate hash and show the...

The code below can be added to clientareahome.tpl. It will add extra button for Projects and will display the number of active projects. Extra third or forth "row" of tiles can be added if there is no room for extra...

1. Create 16x16 PNG favicon file and place it in WHMCS template folder. (e.g. /templates/hexa/favicon.png)2. Edit header.tpl and add the following line inside HTML tag: <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png"...

Override files can be created to retain customizations during updates. 1. Files are located in "overrides" folder inside Hexa template. Rename header.tpl.new to header.tpl. Optionally rename footer.tpl.new to footer.tpl...

Open Hexa Extras addon page and select Customize tab. Use Mini Sidebar checkbox to enable or disable default state of the sidebar

Hexa is a separate dashboard template. The idea is to have a distinct back end look.  Normally there is no extra header or footer added and common integration is complete by matching brand colors, fonts,...

Modules Garden server module like Proxmox is using sidebar ouptut with server controls for theme Six. We can add extra sidebar to Hexa by creating header.tpl override. Rename header.tpl.new to header.tpl inside...

Style file override is located in "overrides" folder inside Hexa template. Rename style.css.new to style.css and add extra CSS. Examples: .hexa-container {display:none;} Removes both side buttons from top right...

header.tpl can have extra code added at the very top: {if !empty($smarty.get.minimal)} {if $smarty.get.minimal!='false'} {assign var="hexa_minimal" value="1"} {if $filename=='cart'} {assign...

Custom templates for cart can be activated by using minimal mode for cart in Hexa Extras.  Activate overrides by removing .new from "cart-header.tpl.new" and "cart-header.tpl.new"...